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Hallowed Legends 2- The Templar

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They manipulated many and brought forth not only a counterfeit gospel from the stars but also counterfeit religions by doing so. THE FOLLOWING is a description of how the NEW AGE consider their MESSAGE of the STARS to be represented The astrologer Flegetanis, whose name is Persian for Familiar with the Stars, was Jewish and descended from Solomon on his mothers side but heathen on his fathers side, meaning that he was probably either part Babylonian or of Persian descent. Many Grail scholars currently contend that the name Flegetanis refers to an historical astrologer and alchemist known as Thabit ben Qorah, a resident of Baghdad during the 9th century who is reputed to have translated Greek astrology and alchemical texts into Arabic. Perhaps during one of his nightly watches on top of an ancient Mesopotamian Ziggurat, Flegetanis or Thabit made his pivotal discovery of what has been called a Holy Grail in the Heavens. If his gaze on the starry outline of the cup, the Celestial Grail that taught him the secrets of the Holy Grail could have been either the constellation of Aquarius, Crater, or the Big Dipper. But if the astrologer spotted a starry spear in the heavens, he might have been informed of the Grail mysteries by the constellation of Bootes, the Lance Bearer. If Flegetanis received his inspiration from the stars of Aquarius, the Water Bearer, he would have observed a constellation whose outline is that of an androgynous manwoman carrying a bucket that heshe appears to continuously shower water down to our world from. If he initially subscribed to it mundane interpretation, Flegetanis might have simply seen Aquarius as a person transporting water. But if he comprehended from a spiritual perspective, which he would have had to do in order to gain an understanding of the Holy Grail, he would have beheld the form of an androgynous savior of humanity holding a vessel, a Holy grail, from which heshe continuously showered the world with the Water of Life or Elixir of Immortality. Flegetanis must have been deferred to the spiritual understanding of Aquarius because, like all Middle Eastern astrologers, he would have naturally recognized the androgynous figure in the sign as androgynous ENKI, whose legendary function as the Sumerian and Babylonian savior was to uplife humankind by blessing it with the wisdom and transformative power contained within the Apzu, the cosmic Water of Life. Since ENKIs vessel contained such a valuable elixir, Flegetanis may have concluded that his container was a holy container, and perhaps the archetypal Holy Grail. If Flegetanis had made a survey he would have found his spiritual insight regarding Aquarius confirmed within many of the spiritual cultures that surround the Middle East. The Hindus, for example, were known to have identified the constellation as the home of Varuna, a god of creation and the lord of cosmic waters of life force that can both create and transform. The neighboring Egyptians also associate Aquarius with a creator deity, whom they knew as Khnum. According to the common man, Khnum caused the Nile to overflow every time he dipped his water bucket into the great river, but the Egyptian priesthood associated Khnum with the Water of Life and its indwelling manifestation in the human body as the Kundalini power. Khnum resided in the temple of Elephantine of Upper Egypt that was associated with the root chakra, the dwelling place of the Kundalini power of the Lord of Egypt, the Green Man Osiris. It was to this temple of Khnum that the Egyptians priests and priestesses went for activation of their inner elixir of Kundalini. It was left to the later Greeks to conclusively identify the cup of Aquarius as a Celestial Holy Grail. The Greeks recognized the constellation of Aquarius as Ganymede, a Trojan boy who had been carried to Mount Olympus to act as a cup or Grail bearer for the gods. Ganymede is reputed to have kept the chalices of the gods continuously overflowing with the nectar of immortality that flowed from his own holy vessel. Of all the Celestial Grails Flegetanis could have studied, Crater the Cup comes closet to the shape of an actual chalice. And in conjunction with the two constellations that are contiguous with it, Hydra the Water Snake and Corvus the Crow or Storm Bird, it also contains an abundance of wisdom regarding the nature of the Holy Grail and the Water of Life. Crater, Hydra, and Corvus produce a magnificent celestial Holy Grail motif that resembles a snake supporting both a chalice and bird upon its curvaceous back. Crater, of course, represents the holy grail Chalice. Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Powerpoint Game. Serpentine Hydra is associate with the Water of Life that travels through space like a spiraling snake. Moto Racer 2 Full Setup here. And the black bird of Corvus is symbolic of the process of death and the acquisition of secret, occult wisdom that emerges through imbibing the water of Life. Flegetanis may have also conceived of Corvus, as many cultures did at that time, as a dove, which is more commonly used as an avian symbol associated with the Holy Grail and the Water of Life. Although most Grail scholars can only speculate about Crater and the possibility of it being Flegetanis celestial Holy grail, Henry and Renee Kahane, authors of The Krater and the Grail Hermetic Sources of the Parzival, are unequivocal in proclaiming that they are one in the same. The Kahanes base their theory on  references to Crater in certain ancient alchemical texts, such as the Corpus Hermeticum, which refers to Ctater as the celestial vessel that was sent down to Earth from humans to drink from andor bathe within in order to acquire immortality and Gnostic wisdom. But since the Hermetic text is not clear whether or not the earthbound manifestation of Crater is physical, the elixir it refers to could simply be a description of the descent of the Water of Life or Holy Spirit life force from above. Perhaps special alchemical rays are beamed to Earth occasionally from the constellation of Crater ititself Although the descent of the Holy Spirit dove from Crater must remain conjecture, certain legends are unmistakably clear in ascribing the Celestial Grail known as the Big Dipper with the reoccurring tendency of sending high frequency rays of spiritual light to Earth. The Big Dipper is thus truly the definitive Celestial Grail. Technically an asterism or group of stars that comprise part of the constellation of Ursa Major, the Great Bear, the Big Dipper projects rays of immortality to earth while creating the outline of a huge heavenly cup, pan or ladle. The dove that descended from the heavens and the Holy Spirit power it embodied was anciently venerated as a symbol of the Universal Goddess in the Middle East. According to Grail author Wolfram von Eschenbach, this association was assimilated by the Knights Templar during their sojourn in Asia Minor, and they in turn revealed their affiliation to the Goddess and Her Holy spirit power by adorning themselves with symbolic turtle doves and representing themselves as Knights of the Dove.