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Kabbalah Society Masonic Tracing Boards and the Western Metaphysical Tradition Kabbalah Society W. Kirk Mac. Nulty. Introduction Masonic Tracing Boards are training devices. They depict Masonic symbols in pictures which can be interpreted to reveal the teachings of Masonry. The Boards which we considered at the Forum were drawn by a Mason named J Harris in the 1. They are references to a vast body of literature and philosophical doctrine which is at the core of Renaissance thought. Many of the ideas are kabbalistic. Someone who really wants to understand the Tracing Boards and Masonry itself must read into and understand those doctrines and the presentation to the forum considered the Tracing Boards from this point of view. I have to make a disclaimer the ideas expressed here are my own. They do not represent the attitudes or teachings of any Grand Lodge or Private Lodge. Metaphysics. There are many metaphysical systems in use throughout the world for the last 2. West have been dominated by a metaphysics based on some variant of Judeo Christian monotheism. The Renaissance was no exception, although it was also characterized by a revival of interest in the Classical world in particular the Greek and Roman civilizations and its thought. Medieval scholars had been interested in Classical Philosophy from the point of view of reconciling it to Christian doctrine. Renaissance thinkers were interested in Classical Philosophy for what it said about man, himself. These Renaissance philosophers incorporated a good many hermetic and kabbalistic ideas into their orthodox Christian thought. Experians prospect lists are available for direct mail and telemarketing purposes. Due to CANSPAM regulations these lists do not include email. Home of the Kabbalah Society which follows the Toledano Tradition dating back to medieval Spain where the three branches of the Abrahamic revelation met in a. Meat Livestock Australia MLA is a producerowned company providing marketing and research and development services to over 49,500 cattle, sheep and goat producer. Achieve-quick-solutions_slider.jpg' alt='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' title='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' />Frances Yates has called this fusion of classical and Jewish philosophy the HermeticKabbalistic Tradition, and after it had been interpreted in the context of orthodox Christian doctrine it became fundamental to the thought of the early Renaissance. Speculative Masonry dates from the end of the Renaissance the mid to late 1. Masonic symbolism reflects this Renaissance tradition. Confiscated Twins Auctioned Download more. Three fundamental ideas seem to characterize the Renaissance view First, the Deity was considered to be without limit. This resulted in a view of all existence as a single, tightly integrated unity centered on the Deity. A particularly clear statement of this view comes from the Hermetica for God contains all things, and there is nothing that is not in God, and nothing which God is not. Nay, I would rather say, not that God contains all things, but that, to speak the full truth, God is all things. Second, earthly experiences were considered to reflect events in the heavenly realms the succinct statement of this idea is, As above so below. There must be a correspondence between that which occurs in the higher heavenly, causal levels and that which occurs at the lower earthly ones. Third, knowledge of the higher, or more subtle, aspects of the Universe was thought to be available only by experience i. I think that the Masonic symbolism, as represented on the tracing boards, reflects these principles which make up the Renaissance world view. The First Degree Tracing Board. Colt 1911 Model 70 Serial Numbers. The picture, which looks at first glance like a collection of heterogeneous objects, is, I think, a representation of God, the Universe, and Everything. It is also a picture of a human being standing in a landscape. Neither of these images is immediately obvious but I hope I can convince you that they are, at least, reasonable interpretations of the data. Ornaments A central idea which was fundamental to Renaissance thought was the unity of the system and the consequent omnipresence of the Deity. For me, this idea is represented on the First Degree Board by a group of three symbols which are called, collectively, the Ornaments of the Lodge. The fact that the Masons who formulated our symbolism gathered these three objects into a single group seems to require that we consider them together. The Ornaments of the Lodge are the Blazing Star or Glory, the Chequered Pavement, and the Indented, Tessellated Border, and they are all intended to refer to the Deity. The Blazing Star or Glory is a straightforward heraldic representation of the Deity. On the Great Seal of the United States the Deity is represented in the same manner. The Blazing Star, shown in the Heavens, represents the Deity as It is, in all Its Glory, as It projects Itself into existence. The Chequered Pavement represents the Deity as It is perceived to be at the opposite pole of consciousness, here on Earth in ordinary life. The light and dark squares represent paired opposites, a mixture of mercy and justice, reward and punishment, vengeance and loving kindness. They also represent the human experience of life, light and dark, good and evil, easy and difficult. But that is only how it is perceived. The squares are not the symbol the Pavement is the symbol. The light and dark squares fit together with exact nicety to form the Pavement, a single thing, a unity. The whole is surrounded by the Tessellated Border which binds it into a single symbol. Number tracing cards for early learning children trace the numbers on these cards using a dry erase marker. Cards can be placed on a jump ring and stored. PC Tools from Fluke Networks, JDSU, Syba, Cables Unlimited, Startech at Newegg. We offer the best prices, fast shipping and toprated customer service. Once you. Ashish Nehra has been selected for the threematch T20 international series against Australia. Nehras return was quite a surprise for cricket fans. MTAwMFgxMDAw/z/ZygAAOSwY45UMih3/$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F' alt='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' title='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' />S Skip Tracing Tools Australia DayS Skip Tracing Tools Australia DayIn this representation on the Tracing Board the Border binds not simply the squares, but the entire picture, into a unity. Columns Except for the Glory, the idea of duality occurs throughout the Board from the black and white squares at the bottom to the Sun and Moon, an ancient symbol for the paired opposites of masculine and feminine, at the top. In the central area of the Board duality is represented by two of the three columns but here the third column introduces a new idea. The striking thing about these columns is that each is of a different Order of Architecture. In Masonic symbolism they are assigned names Wisdom to the Ionic Column in the middle, Strength to the Doric Column on the left, and Beauty to the Corinthian Column on the right. Enya A Day Without Rain Mp3 more. How shall we interpret these Columns and their names Consider the Columns in the context of the Tree of Life. In the Tree the column on the right is called the Column of Mercy, the active column. HkKlw1g' alt='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' title='S Skip Tracing Tools Australia Day' />That on the left is called the Column of Severity, the passive column. The central column is called the Column of Consciousness the column of equilibrium which keeps the other two in balance. The three columns all terminate in depend on Divinity at the top of the central column. Look again at the columns on the Tracing Board. The Corinthian Pillar of Beauty is on the right, and in the classical world the Corinthian Order was used for buildings dedicated to vigorous, expansive activities. The Doric Pillar of Strength is on the left, and the Doric Order was used for buildings where discipline, restraint and stability were important. The. Ionic Pillar of Wisdom is in the middle. The Ionic Order was used for Temples to the rulers of the gods who coordinated the activities of the pantheon. The Three Pillars, like the Tree of Life, speak of a universe in which expansive and constraining forces are held in balance by a coordinating agency. Four Worlds The Universe as it was perceived by the Renaissance philosophers consisted of four worlds. Kabbalah has the same division. They are the elemental or physical world, the celestial world of the psyche or soul, the supercelestial world of spirit, and the Divine world. We see that these same levels are represented on the board. The Pavement represents the physical world, the central part of the Board including the columns and most of the symbols, represents the psychological world, the Heavens represent the spiritual world, and the Glory, represents Divinity.