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Reported Speech Review Pdf

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Reported speech Jeopardy Style Review Game. How to Use Instant Jeopardy Review Instant Jeopardy Review is designed for live play with up to ten individuals or teams. Reported Speech Review. Uploaded by. Embed Document. Embed. Description Reported speech. View More. Reported speech. Download as DOCX, PDF, TXT or read online. Reported Speech Exercise DIRECT REPORTED is seeing was seeing sees saw saw sawhad seen has seen had seen will see would see is going to see was going. DIRECT INDIRECT SPEECH A. Put the following into Indirect speech 1. Mr West said, I am very tired. He said, I am flying to Rome tomorrow. Reported Speech ESL EFL Activities Worksheets Games. You said. ESL EFL Miming and Speaking Activity Elementary 2. Minutes. This enjoyable activity can be used to introduce reported speech to elementary students and practice imperatives. In the activity, students play a miming game where they guess what their classmates were told to do using reported speech. The class is divided into groups of four and each group is split into two competing pairs. The group is then given a set of imperative cards, which they shuffle and place face down in a pile on the desk. One student begins by picking up a card and whispering the command on the card to their partner. Their partner mimes the command to the other pair of students. The other pair of students watch the mime and try to guess what the student told their partner to do. The pair then uses reported speech to say what they think the command was, e. TeachingResources_DirectIndirectSpeech_updated_3_nh.jpg' alt='Direct And Reported Speech' title='Direct And Reported Speech' />Reported Speech Worksheets PdfHe said to close the door. The pair has one minute to guess what the student told their partner to do. If they manage to do this and make a suitable sentence with reported speech, they score a point. Reported Speech Review Pdf' title='Reported Speech Review Pdf' />REPORTED SPEECH EXERCISES Change the following sentences into reported speech. The spokesman said I cant understand why billiards has been prohibited. Wheelhouse Poster Template. In this lesson, students review the verb tense and punctuation rules used in direct and reported speech. They practice changing sentences from direct to reported. The pairs then swap roles and the process is repeated. Students play until there are no more cards left. The pair with the most points at the end of the game wins. You said. PDF  Free But he told me. Reported Speech Review Pdf' title='Reported Speech Review Pdf' />ESL EFL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate  4. Minutes. In this entertaining worksheet activity, students interview each other and then use reported speech to compare what the interviewees said. Each student is given a copy of the worksheet. The students read ten questions on the worksheet and write one true answer and two false answers for each question. The class is then divided into groups of eight. Students use the questions to interview three people in their group. Students note down the interviewees answers on the worksheet. Students are free to ask follow up questions, especially if they suspect they are being given a false answer. Each time an interviewee answers a question, they give either a true answer or one of their false answers, but they must vary the answers they give different students. When everyone has finished, the groups are then split in half to make groups of four. The students then compare what different people told them using reported speech and decide which of the answers are true. When the students have compared their answers, the groups of eight are brought back together and the interviewees reveal their true answers. Finally, there is a class feedback session to find out who gave the most convincing false answers in each group. But he told me. PDF Exclusive Oh Really ESL EFL Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate  3. Minutes. In this amusing teaching activity, students practice reported speech by remembering what their classmates said. The students begin by reviewing expressions to show interest and surprise, e. Oh really Wow, etc. The students are then told that they are going to tell each other something interesting or surprising and that they have to try to remember what each person said. Each student is then given a card. The students memorize the sentence on their card and then stand up and walk around the class, saying their sentences to each other. Students use an expression for showing interest or surprise each time they hear a sentence. When the students have all spoken to each other, they write down what their classmates told them using reported speech, e. Claire said that she was going to get married next month. When the students have finished writing, the correct answers are checked with the class. The student with the most correct sentences is the winner. Oh Really. PDF Exclusive Report This. ESL EFL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate  3. Minutes. In this engaging worksheet activity, students interview a partner and then report the questions and answers from the interview to a new partner using reported speech. The students are divided into pairs A and B and each student is given a corresponding worksheet. The students then take it in turns to ask their partner the questions on the worksheet and write down their answers in note form next to the questions. When the students have finished, they work with a new partner A and B. Students take it in turns to report the questions and answers from the interview to their new partner using reported speech, e. I asked Sam how he came to class today and he said that he came to class by car. Afterwards, students give feedback to the class on their interviews. Report This. PDF Exclusive Somebody told me that. ESL EFL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate 4. Minutes. In this fun worksheet activity, students ask and answer yesno questions and then play a guessing game where they report back the information they found out using reported speech. Each student is given a copy of the worksheet. Students begin by moving around the classroom asking questions and completing their worksheets with yes answers. Every time a classmate responds positively to a question, the student writes the persons name down on the worksheet and asks a follow up question to gain more information. When everyone has finished, the students are divided into groups of four. The students then take it in turns to report back the information they found out about their classmates using reported speech. Students do this without saying the classmates name. Instead, they use the phrase Somebody told me that The other students in the group guess who said each thing, scoring one point for each correct guess. When the correct person has been guessed, the student reports back the additional information. The student with the most points at the end of the game wins. Somebody told me that. PDF  Free Trip around the World. ESL EFL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate  4. Minutes. In this intriguing worksheet activity, students role play an interview between a traveller who is planning a trip around the world and a journalist who is interviewing them about their trip. The two students then write a short magazine article about the interview using reported speech. The class is divided into two groups travellers and journalists and each student is given a corresponding worksheet. The travellers think of answers to questions about their trip and write them on their worksheet. The travellers also think of two more things they can say about their trip. The journalists make questions from the prompts on their worksheet and create two questions of their own at the end. When everyone is ready, each journalist pairs up with a traveller. The journalists then interview their partner the traveller using the questions on their worksheet, noting down their answers on a piece of paper. After the interview, the journalist and traveller work together to write a short magazine article in reported speech, based on what the traveller said in the interview. Finally, pairs read their articles to the class and feedback is given. Trip around the World. PDF Exclusive What did you ask me ESL EFL Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking Activity Pre intermediate  4. Minutes. Here is an insightful class activity to help students practice reported speech. In the activity, students ask a question to everyone in the class. The students then write down in reported speech the questions they were asked and report back on the answers they received.