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The Case FOR Homeopathic Medicine The Historical and Scientific Evidence. A lot of people today are confused about what homeopathy is and isnt, and this situation is not helped by the skeptics of homeopathy who go to incredible extents to exaggerate and misconstrue what homeopathic medicine is and who commonly provide misinformation about it. It is more than a tad ironic that these skeptics who hold themselves out as defenders of medical science have exhibited an embarrassingly poor scientific attitude when evaluating what homeopathy is and what the scientific evidence does and doesnt say about it. Because many skeptics of homeopathy today indulge in spreading misinformation about homeopathy, this blog is addressed at setting the record straight and is packed with references to confirm the veracity of what is being asserted here. First, to clarify, advocating for or using homeopathic medicines does not preclude appreciation for or use of selective conventional medical treatment. Advocates of homeopathy simply honor the Hippocratic tradition of First, do no harm and therefore seek to explore and utilize safer methods before resorting to more risky treatments. This perspective has historical and international roots, and it is thus no surprise that American health care which has been so resistant to homeopathic and natural therapies in its mainstream institutions is presently ranked 3. In comparison, the number one ranked country in the world is France, a country in which around 4. The Evidence IS There. The fact that homeopathy became extremely popular during the 1. It is highly unlikely that a placebo response is the explanation for homeopathys notable successes in treating epidemics of cholera, yellow fever, scarlet fever, typhoid, pneumonia, or influenza. Skeptics are wonderfully clever in trying to make up stories and excuses for the good and often amazing results that people get from homeopathic medicines. Most often, however, they simply say that old news is no news, as they brag about not learning from the past as though this is a good thing. Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition For Pc'>Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition For Pc. There are more than 1. If that were not enough, studies testing the effects of homeopathic medicines on cell cultures, plants, animals, physics experiments, and chemistry trials have shown statistically significant effects. Needless to say, the placebo effect in these basic science studies is virtually non existent, while the effects from homeopathic doses are significant and sometimes substantial. Skeptics are virulently silent on the entire field of hormesis the multidisciplinary science of evaluating the power of small doses of varied biological systems and its thousands of studies in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. This silence on hormesis is completely understandable because their acknowledgement of this body of evidence obliterates much of their criticisms of homeopathy. The doses of homeopathic medicines that are commonly sold in health food stores and pharmacies throughout the world are in a similar low dosage range to the thousands of hormesis studies on low dose effects. It is very odd that skeptics ignore the thousands of studies in this field, and yet, these same skeptics repeat their embarrassingly uninformed mantra of where is the research It is indeed no wonder that these skeptics are often referred to as denialists rather than skeptics. It is readily acknowledged that the pharmacological process of making homeopathic medicines is often misunderstood or inadequately understood. Homeopathic medicines are made with a specific process, called potentization, that is unique to homeopathy. Each medicine is made in double distilled water in a glass test tube, diluted in a 1 1. Then, this process of dilution and succussion vigorous shaking is repeated 3, 6, 1. AWR1Fd4c/UBGlx8W9PvI/AAAAAAAAAuc/5Nu9ePgyhjk/s1600/%CE%A6%CF%89%CF%84%CE%BF%CE%B3%CF%81%CE%B1%CF%86%CE%AF%CE%B10653+(Medium).jpg' alt='Maton Serial Numbers' title='Maton Serial Numbers' />Gibson Guitars Huge selection of vintage and used Gibson Guitars. I am a little embarrassed to list feel the need to explain and justify. A list Maton Countryman 2000 or 2001 same specs as ECW80C. These were sold through. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Julian Browning specializes in the sale of autograph letters, historical documents and manuscripts dating from about 1450 to 1950. All historical autographs, letters. Although one would think that one is diluting out whatever was in the original solution, the immense worldwide experience using homeopathic medicines over the past 2. There is a body of intriguing but not yet fully verified theories about how homeopathic medicines work. These theories are too technical for this article, though I sincerely hope that the good skeptics out there will work to explore and help figure out the many mysteries that may explain homeopathy, rather than repeat the old reactionary mantra that it cannot work. For instance, the silica hypothesis is particularly intriguing, especially in light of the fact that approximately 6 parts per million of silica fragments or chips are known to fall off the walls of glass vial during the shaking process. In addition, the shaking process generates nanobubbles and transient localized regions of high pressure topping 1. Because a homeopathic medicine is selected for its unique ability to cause the specific pattern or syndrome of symptoms that it is known to cause in overdose, a living organism has a hypersensitivity to even extremely small doses of the correctly chosen homeopathic medicine. Just as a C note of a piano is hypersensitive to other C notes, living organisms are hypersensitive to extremely small doses of medicines that are made from substances that cause the similar symptoms that the sick person is experiencing. This ancient principle, like cures like, was heralded by the Oracle at Delphi, the Bible, and various Eastern cultures, and the fact that modern day immunology and allergy treatments derive from the primary principle of homeopathy, the law of similars, provides additional substantiation to this system of medicine. Maton Serial Numbers' title='Maton Serial Numbers' />Maton Serial NumbersMaton Serial NumbersMaton Serial NumbersPrior to serial numbers, the different instruments were identified by the Martin brand which was stamped into the back of the headstock, the upper portion of the back. Jeunesse. Patrick Floersheim est n le 23 mars 1944 Brianon, dun pre diplomate travaillant pour le plan Marshall, puis, conseiller commercial de la France. Buy Vintage Guitars, Used Guitars, Martin and more Welcome to Rock N Roll Vintage, Americas favorite vintage guitar shop featuring new, used and vintage guitars. The port numbers are divided into three ranges the Well Known Ports, the Registered Ports, and the Dynamic andor Private Ports. The Well Known Ports are those from. Conventional allergy treatment and vaccination are two of the very few conventional medical treatments that do something to augment immune response, and yet, both of these treatments derive from the homeopathic principle of similars. Actually, a better description of this principle of similars is the principle of resonance, which any student of music knows has both power and hypersensitivity. The additional wisdom of this homeopathic principle is that its use leads to the prescription of medicines that mimic, rather than that suppress, the symptoms and the innate intelligence of the human body. Because homeopathic medicines are prescribed for their ability to mimic the similar symptoms that the sick person is experiencing, it is no wonder that people find that these medicines augment immune competence and improve body and mind health. In this light, homeopathy can and should be considered a type of medical biomimicry and a resonance medicine. Homeopaths may not yet adequately understand precisely how their medicines work, but the body of historical and present day evidence and experience is simply too significant to ignore. The fact that so many highly respected people and cultural heroes over the past 2. Some of these cultural heroes include eleven U. S. Presidents, six popes, JD Rockefeller, Charles Darwin, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, and scores of literary greats, corporate leaders, sports superstars, world class musicians, and monarchs from virtually every European country. It is also important to acknowledge that hundreds of thousands, even millions, of medical doctors learned conventional medicine but have used homeopathic medicines in conjunction with or commonly as replacement for conventional medicines. In comparison, the number of medical professionals who have trained in homeopathy and then stopped using these medicines is extremely small. I Employment and manpower planning techniques. Introduction      How to determine the future training needs of the labor market in developing countries is a question that has confronted manpower analysts and educational planners for decades. There is no easy solution simply because no one can forecast the future and, therefore, what labor demands are likely anymore than one can predict stock market movements or future economic growth rates. This has not stopped people from trying. However, models to perform manpower analyses have been subject to such scathing criticism that, as will be seen in this chapter, manpower practitioners have shied away from modelling techniques and as such there is a gap to be filled. As now a combination of techniques under the general heading of labour market signalling have become the accepted methods, in recent years, to assess manpower needs. However, few countries have created a system to do this and there is much theorizing but little action. This chapter, therefore, examines the employment and manpower planning controversy and argues that the use of models for manpower planning do still have a role to play. Labour market models are useful both for labour market analysis and to help to design labour market information systems. Normally, the argument goes, models cannot be built without an underlying labour market information system. But this is chicken and egg, and both are dependent on each other. The chapter also looks at a number of techniques that can be used for employment and manpower planning. What is the relation between employment and manpower planning techniques Employment planning is concerned with the macro policy instruments that create employment. The activity is mainly carried out in Ministries of Planning or Economy in developing countries. There, questions such as how to employ the 5. Policy formulation that affects aggregate employment levels also occurs in other parts of Government the Central Bank, Ministries of Finance or Ministry for Trade and Industry for example. In Central Banks, for example, decisions to change interest rates, alter the money supply or revise credit regulations all affect the decision of entrepreneurs whether to hire or fire labour. Rarely, however, do such bodies take a major interest in the effects of their policy on employment. Nevertheless, the planning of employment touches on all these concerns. Note that employment planning is concerned more with the demand for jobs than with the supply side of the employment equation. Manpower planning, on the other hand, is largely concerned with labour supply. Thus it is interested in such questions as how many people are coming onto the labour market, what are their education and training levels levels, what is their age etc. It is largely concerned in determining what training needs there are so that the labour supply can be shaped to meet the demands of the economy. This activity is largely confined to the Ministry of Labour andor Education in developing countries plus some isolated outposts concerned with human resource planning in the Ministries of Planning or Finance. The focus on the supply side of the equation is probably the reason that the demand for labour has been treated inadequately in most manpower planning activities to date. Rubicon Web Dl here. However, there is increasing recognition of the need for a skilled workforce as a basis for future development Lall, 1. Manpower planning cannot be carried out in isolation from macroeconomic phenomena. On the other hand, that part of macroeconomics that is interested in creating jobs cannot ignore who the jobs are for in terms of the skill, sex and age base of the population. This is because the determinants of economic growth are strongly related to the characteristics of the labour force in terms of its skill, education, flexibility etc. There is the utopian point of view, as well, and this is that in civilized societies the planning of jobs should be for people and not the planning of people for jobs that may or may not appear. As Bertrand Russell Russell, 1. Modern methods of production have given us the possibility of ease and security for all we have chosen, instead, to have overwork for some and starvation for the others. Hitherto we have continued to be as energetic as we were before there were machines in this we have been foolish, but there is no reason to go on being foolish for ever. In this chapter, therefore, techniques that look at both the supply and demand side of the employment and manpower planning puzzle are presented and then critically examined. The manpower requirements approach MRA2. The dominant model      The dominant model of manpower planning according to Youdi, 1. It first came to widespread prominence in the OECDs Mediterranean Regional Project MRP in the early 1. The three major steps in manpower forecasting are a projecting the demand for educated manpower, b projecting the supply of educated manpower, and c balancing supply and demand. Each is next taken in turn, following Youdi. The demand side      There are five main steps to assess the number of workers by educational level over time 2  following the MRP methodology      Note ieconomic sector, joccupation, keducational level, aage, ssex. Estimating the future level of GDP or output X. Rio 2 Avi'>Rio 2 Avi. Estimating the structural transformation of the economy as expressed by the distribution of output by economic sector XiXas it evolves over time. Estimating labour productivity by economic sector LiXi and its evolution over time. Estimating the occupational structure of the labour force within economic sectors and its evolution over time LijLi. Estimating the educational structure of the labour force in given occupations within economic sectors over time LijkLij. Hence the demand function for educated labour looks something like      LDijk f X, XiX, LiXi, LijLi, LijkLij The supply side      There are four basic steps. Estimating the population Pa,s,k by age, sex and educational level. Assessing the number of graduates, dropouts by age, sex and educational level, Ea,s,k. Finding the labour force participants LS by applying age, sex, educational level labour force particpation rates to the number of graduates, la,s,k. Estimating the occupational supply based on the labour supply by education level possibly using an education to occupation matrix Mk,j      Hence the supply function for educated labour looks something like      LSj,k fPa,s,k, Ea,s,k, la,s,k, Mk,j. Balancing labour supply to demand      This adjustment, according to Youdi, is normally done in two ways. First, if LD. j. is very different from LSj, due for instance to poor data quality and not backed up by apriori reasoning, the manpower planner will tend to use an ad hoc adjustment mechanism and go back to one or more of the key assumptions and revise them. For example, too much optimimism on labour productivity could reduce the demand for labour while too much optimism on labour force participation rates could increase the supply of labour. Clearly, if reconciliation is not possible then this has significant implications for policy action to narrow the gap between educated labour supply and its demand.