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Comma Castle Game

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C102.preview.png' alt='Comma Castle Game' title='Comma Castle Game' />Fears in The Most Dangerous Game Most Dangerous Game Essays. If he had run away, he would have run forever, and would have eventually gotten tired of running and would have been caught by his fearsADM8. He knew he could not run any longer and had to face his hardships in life. The ending result ADM9would end up in victory. Connell expressed how he overcame and conquered his fears in The Most Dangerous Game. He started to run and hide, but knowing he would never escape ADM1. The hunted man fled from the brush, hiding behind a tree as he watched the hunter fall directly into his trap. Although the hunter was wounded, he was not killed. The hunter escaped to his castle to where the hunted followed. He waited for the hunter to come out once again so he could face him and defeat him once and for all. The hunter came out and the two of them dueled. ADM1. ADM1 Good title ADM2I still love your introductions this one is good too. But, try some other types as well. Let me know if you need suggestions. ADM3Pretty good transitional phrase. La Noche De La Iguana Y Otros Relatos Pdf here. Good instincts. ADM4Strong thesis for a Freudian approach. ADM5Excellent  Not only are you exploring the concept of fear in his life, you are even making specific guesses as to what it could literally have been. Even better, you are being psychological in relating it to his parental figure. Freud would approve ADM6Its good that you are creating a transitional passage to the next paragraph. However, you really dont need this quotation to do it. Just go with your sentence and save the quotations for building your analysis. ADM7Nice ADM8Because you said at the end of the last paragraph that Connell ran and ran and ran., it seems contradictory to say here If he had run away,  See what I mean  Instead, lets rewrite this sentence to  If he had kept running, he would have eventually gotten tired and would have been overwhelmed by his fears. ADM9Redundant a result is usually ending. ADM1. 0 This needs to be a comma, not a semicolon. ADM1. 1Nice. What youve done with your conclusion is to make your paper come full circle, essentially ending the paper where you began. That is a wonderful technique and gives your paper a full feeling. Other comments A good paper with some strong Freudian elements. It does need additional development in a couple of ways. First, try to explore all your points with the same specificity as you did in paragraph 2 where you examined the possibility that the fear in the story was symbolic of Connells relationship with his father. Cardboard Pinhole Camera Pdf Files'>Cardboard Pinhole Camera Pdf Files. That was cool.   Also, your paper is coming up at least a paragraph short in development. Surely you could have explored the building of tension and fear as we learn of Zaroff and his peculiar habits. Also, you could even build an argument that Zaroff represents Connells fear of his father in many different ways. The parallels are there  Zaroff as hunter. Rainsford as hunter. Maybe Connell writes it that way to show his own fear that he, too, could be abusive like his own father. In fact, the ending would really be psychologically meaningful then  the son becomes the evil that his father was. Now THAT would be Connells biggest fear of all, dont you think  Finally, you have some great voice but lack style. Work on more complex sentence types and variety. If youd like some direction on that, let me know. Grade B  8. 31. Comma Castle GameCategory Most Dangerous Game Essays Title Fears in The Most Dangerous Game. Castle on Cedar Creekwalk to Winery Historic downtown. Welcome to our home a slice of history Frederick Leuning immigrated to the area in 1843 and b. Online Battleship. Welcome to WebBattleship. The best place for playing battleship games online. Our game is free and will always be free to play.